How To Borrow

  1. Browse all items available for rent.
  2. Confirm the item's sizing is right for you. Send us a message if you have any further questions regarding the item.
  3. Choose your rental item, select your rental dates, add to cart, and purchase.
  4. If you purchase a 'Best Dressed' rental item, the rental is approved immediately.
  5. If you purchase a 'Lender's Wardrobe' rental item, the item's lender will respond to the request within 24 hours (you will be refunded in full if the request is denied).
  6. Once accepted, your lender will ship your rental item to you in time for Day 1 of the Rental Period.
  7. On or before the last day of your Rental Period, please ship the item back to the lender using the shipping label sent to your email.

Borrower FAQs

What if my the rental item doesn't fit?

We provide as much information as we can regarding the fit of a rental garment. We cannot take responsibility if you choose a size or item which does not fit you. If you are unsure about sizing, we would recommend opting for a brand you have tried on and know your size!

What if my rental doesn't arrive on time?

We highly recommend setting Day 1 of your Rental period at least 2 days prior to the day you need it for that way we can ensure timely delivery!

How do I return the rental item?

You are required to return the item using the prepaid shipping label on or before the last day of your Rental Period.

Do I need to dry clean the item?

No! Our Lenders will take care of cleaning. Please ship back the item as-is.

What if I damage the rental item?

Please do your best to handle items with care. If a piece is damaged, you'll be responsible for repair costs. For irreparable damage or loss, you will be charged the piece's full retail value.